Thursday, January 24, 2013


...aaaand here it is at last, make sure to have some sticky little pieces of notepaper or masking tape or something in hand when you have cut this, I didn't LOL!!!! but soon did when I first tried to put it together without them, after that it was pretty easy and if you think that there is no way that some particular piece don't belong there, it prolly does :)

 It was so much fun, just because there was a bit of a challenge there. These patterns are so well drafted, they go together with the piece they are supposed to and the fit is right on spot. I recommend them wholeheartedly to anyone.

 I have suggestion that if you want to remake some of the clothes after the first try, make a new pattern from the old one ( this only applies of course if you had to do some taping together, I had to, not with all the patterns but with some and it's much easier and comfortable to have them made from one piece if possible) So without further ado...


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